50 Sweet Kisses PNG photo overlays pack free download

50 Sweet Kisses Overlays

 Right here in this publish, you’ll get a download link of the 50 sweet Kisses PNG image overlays % compress file from underneath. Those 50 Kisses photo overlays in excellent 300dpi resolution pixel. And it's miles absolutely ready to use your photo face for searching natural.



  • 60 PNG images 4500x3000px 300dpi as:
  • 30 kisses, (1000x1000px, 300 dpi).
  • 6 frames overlays (4500x3000px, 300 dpi).
  • 8 blowing kiss (4500x3000px, 300 dpi).
  • 6 broken heart overlays (4500x3000px, 300 dpi).

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💕💕👉   Zip File Password is:     kashif


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